Switching Things Up!

We all have those stamp sets that seem destined for only one purpose. The set I posted about earlier today is clearly for Thanksgiving, thus the title "Giving Thanks"! However, I thought I could put it to good use in other ways.

I switched out the turkey for a present. I'm not 100% about the paper I used on the packages, but I love the concept. I think I might have the idea behind this year's Christmas cards!
Below is the work in progress card. I messed around with a few different versions of the packages until I found the ones I liked. I added a third package (the decorating "rule of threes" works for paper crafting too!). The ribbon also gave the card that extra special element that was missing.

Think about what you can do to put a new twist on an old stamp set. I think it would be great to also switch out the turkey for a cake on a birthday card, or as my friend Ty suggested - a try full of martinis. You could also use this card as an invitation to a dinner party (or a thank you if you don't want to throw the dinner party!)

The big thing to remember is don't limit yourself. Don't use holiday cards just at the holidays. This set is geared to Thanksgiving and the packages came from a Christmas set. Use your imagination and switch things up!


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