A Muse Monday

So for today's musings ... I have a quick story to share.

I had two birthdays to celebrate this week, my mom's and my brother-in-law's. I haven't had a lot of time to play/craft lately, so I had to dig through my cards to find one for each. Apparently it's been so long since I've sat down to craft... I was completely out of birthday cards!
Luckily, I had lots of cute, generic cards that could easily pass as a birthday card. So, I picked one out for mom. However, I had nothing for the brother-in-law. I had a few masculine cards, but they were all very much "Father's Day-ish" or graduation, etc. Nothing birthday. So, I broke down and bought a card at the store.
Funny thing. My bro-in-law totally called me out on it! He said "Where's my hand-made card?" I had to laugh. You wouldn't think a guy would care, but he did. He wasn't upset at all, but it's really nice to know that even a video game/action movie loving guy wants that home-made card!
So, now I need to think of the perfect card that says "Sorry I didn't get you a hand-made card for your birthday, but here's something to make up for it on some other random day card!".

Coming soon: Cards for Men!


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